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Credefi Finance X DWF Labs

2024-05-14   |   by Carl Cohen   |   16

Credefi Finance and DWF Labs Forge Strategic Partnership to Enhance Liquidity and Drive Ecosystem Expansion

Credefi Finance and DWF Labs Forge Strategic Partnership to Enhance Liquidity and Drive Ecosystem Expansion

In a significant move to boost its ecosystem and market presence, Credefi Finance has entered into a strategic partnership with DWF Labs, the renowned global digital asset market maker and multi-stage Web3 investment firm. This collaboration focuses on increasing liquidity and providing robust support for growth, marking a pivotal development in Credefi’s strategy to enhance its platform capabilities.


“This partnership represents a strategic alignment of our goals with DWF Labs, whose expertise in market making and ecosystem development is unparalleled,” stated Ivo Grigorov, CEO of Credefi Finance. “Together, we are poised to drive significant advancements in the RWA space, offering our users enhanced liquidity and a more dynamic all-in-one alternative financing platform.”


DWF Labs will employ its substantial industry experience and resources to assist Credefi in expanding its market operations and user base. The partnership is centered around innovative liquidity solutions and strategic market making aimed at fostering a stable trading environment for Credefi’s token, $CREDI.


Andrei Grachev, Managing Partner at DWF Labs, expressed his enthusiasm for the partnership: “Credefi Finance is a key player in the #RWA decentralized finance industry, and we are thrilled to support their vision of expanding and enhancing their ecosystem. Our commitment goes beyond liquidity provision; we aim to empower Credefi with the tools and networks needed to succeed in a competitive market.”


As part of the partnership, DWF Labs will also provide strategic insights and operational support to drive growth and innovation within Credefi’s offerings. This includes leveraging DWF Labs’ extensive network and industry connections to facilitate new opportunities and collaborations for Credefi.


About Credefi Finance

Credefi Finance bridges the gap between decentralized finance (DeFi) and traditional financial services, offering a secure, efficient, and inclusive platform for #RWA lending and SME borrowing. By leveraging the blockchain technology, Credefi Finance introduces innovative financial products that cater to the evolving needs of the alternative funding sector, setting new standards for accessibility and innovation in the financial industry.

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About DWF Labs


DWF Labs is the new generation Web3 investor and market maker, one of

the world's largest high-frequency cryptocurrency trading entities, which

trades spot and derivatives markets on over 60 top exchanges.


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